About us

MoldoWEB is a software development company, located in Romania, specialized in providing outsourcing and team augmentation services for clients around the world.

Table of contents
  • Why do Businesses Outsource Software Development?
  • Common IT Outsourcing Risks and How to Avoid Them
  • How MoldoWEB Can Help Mitigate IT Outsourcing Risks
  • Conclusion

These days, more businesses are choosing to outsource their IT needs to improve efficiency and bring in new ideas. It's a smart move, but it also comes with some risks, like keeping your data safe, dealing with communication issues, and avoiding service problems. So, how do you handle these risks?

First, you need a good plan. It’s not just about hoping everything will go right; it’s about being ready for any problems that might come up. In this article, we’ll go over some simple tips and strategies for managing these risks. We’ll talk about how to keep your data secure, make sure communication is clear, and deal with any service disruptions.

Let’s dive in and make sure you’re ready for whatever comes your way when outsourcing software development. 


Why do Businesses Outsource Software Development?


Businesses outsource software development for many reasons that help them work more efficiently, stay competitive, and innovate. In fact, IT outsourcing is expected to bring in $110.10 billion in revenue in 2024, according to Statista. This shows just how popular outsourcing has become as companies look for cost-effective ways to tap into expert skills. In this article, we’ll explore some of the main reasons why businesses choose to outsource software development.


Leveraging Offshore IT Outsourcing to Reduce Operational Costs


Did you know that outsourcing software development can help businesses save a lot of money? By partnering with offshore or nearshore development teams, companies can avoid the high costs of maintaining an in-house development team, including employee benefits and infrastructure expenses. This approach reduces operational expenses and helps businesses optimize resource allocation, allowing them to achieve more with less. It's a cost-effective strategy that can help businesses focus on their core competencies while leaving software development to the experts.

Example: A software company based in the United States is planning to take its product offerings to the next level by developing a new mobile application. However, the company has to work within a tight budget and doesn't have the necessary expertise in-house for the project. The good news is that they have found a reputable offshore team in Eastern Europe to outsource the development work to. This move will help the company save significantly on development costs while ensuring that quality standards are met. The offshore IT outsourcing team can provide cost-effective development services, which means that the company can allocate its budget more efficiently and complete the project within the specified timeline.


A man and woman shake hands, exchanging a business card.


Partnering with Specialized Development Firms for Advanced Technological Solutions


In today's competitive business world, companies need to have access to top-notch expertise to stay ahead of the game. Outsourcing is a great way for businesses to tap into a vast talent pool of skilled developers from all corners of the globe. With outsourcing, companies can leverage the specialized knowledge and experience of professionals who are experts in various programming languages, frameworks, and emerging technologies. This way, businesses can execute complex software development projects with ease and efficiency, knowing they have the right team in place to do the job right.

Example: A big financial services company wants to upgrade its transaction processing capabilities by using blockchain technology. However, they don't have enough knowledge and expertise in blockchain development to execute the project successfully. So, they decided to collaborate with a well-known development firm located in Asia. This partnership will allow the company to benefit from the experience of a skilled team of blockchain developers who have a track record of delivering innovative solutions. By leveraging this global talent pool, the company can develop and deploy the blockchain solution more efficiently.


Outsourcing Non-Core Functions to Focus on Strategic Initiatives


When businesses outsource their software development needs, they can free up their internal resources and focus on their core strengths and important initiatives. By entrusting software development projects to external partners, companies can channel their time, talent, and resources towards activities that are innovative, growth-oriented, and provide a competitive edge. This smart allocation of resources helps to increase organizational efficiency and agility, which sets businesses up for long-term success in their respective markets.

Example: Imagine you have started a new e-commerce business that's doing well. Your customer base is growing exponentially, and your sales volume has skyrocketed. However, as your business expands, you realize that your internal resources are becoming stretched, making it difficult to focus on strategic initiatives like product innovation and market expansion. To tackle this challenge, you decide to partner up with a trusted offshore partner, who can help you with your software development needs. By assigning these tasks to the external vendor, you free up your internal resources to concentrate on core business functions. This will accelerate your growth trajectory and improve your competitive position in the market.  
It's a win-win situation that allows you to focus on growing your business while relying on the expertise of your offshore partner.


Adapting Development Teams to Meet Changing Project Demands


Many businesses today face the challenge of adapting to the rapidly changing market dynamics and project requirements. Outsourcing provides them with a solution that offers flexibility and scalability. It enables businesses to scale their development teams up or down based on project requirements, access additional resources for tight deadlines, or pivot quickly to new initiatives. This agility and responsiveness allow businesses to respond swiftly to market opportunities and challenges while optimizing their resources and cost-efficiency. In short, outsourcing helps businesses navigate through unpredictable business environments with ease and adaptability.

Example: A mobile app development company faces ups and downs in project demands throughout the year. Especially during the holiday season, the company often struggles with meeting the increased workload. To tackle this issue, the company decided to partner with a flexible outsourcing provider that offers on-demand access to skilled developers. With this strategic partnership, the company can scale up its development teams during peak periods and ensure timely project delivery and customer satisfaction. Conversely, when things are quieter, the company scales back its outsourcing efforts to optimize resource utilization while keeping costs in check. This way, the company can remain agile and adaptive in response to changing project demands and market conditions.


Utilizing Global Development Teams to Expedite Product Launches


Outsourcing software development is a great way for businesses to speed up the development process and get their offerings out there faster. By working with dedicated development teams across different time zones, companies can take advantage of a 24/7 development cycle, ultimately reducing the time it takes to bring their products to market. This not only means they can capitalize on emerging opportunities sooner, but also gives them an edge in the fast-paced world of business.

Example: A tech startup is trying to bring its innovative software product to the market before its competitors. However, the company is facing a hurdle as it doesn't have the internal resources and expertise required to develop the product within the desired timeframe. To speed up the development process, the startup partners with an offshore development team located in a time zone that complements its operations. By leveraging the round-the-clock development cycle enabled by the global team, the startup manages to accelerate the product development timeline. As a result, it successfully launches the product ahead of schedule, giving it a first-mover advantage in the market.


A man standing in front of a board with a checklist, ready to mark off tasks.


Partnering with Experienced Outsourcing Vendors to Ensure Project Success


Many businesses are turning to outsourcing software development to avoid the risks that come with in-house development. These risks include the difficulty of finding skilled talent, project delays, and the risk of technology becoming outdated. By partnering with experienced outsourcing vendors who follow industry best practices and security protocols, businesses can reduce project risks, ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, and increase the chances of project success. It also enables businesses to tap into specialized expertise and resources that they might not have internally, which can further help mitigate outsourcing risks.

Example: A healthcare organization is trying to update its patient management system with modern technology. But they don't have the necessary expertise and resources to carry out this complex project smoothly. To avoid these issues, the organization decides to partner with a reputable outsourcing vendor who has a proven track record in healthcare software development and compliance expertise. The outsourcing vendor conducts thorough risk assessments, implements robust security measures, and adheres to industry best practices throughout the project lifecycle. Thanks to the outsourcing vendor's efforts, the healthcare organization is finally able to mitigate development risks, ensure regulatory compliance, and deliver a high-quality software solution that meets its business objectives and enhances patient care.



Common IT Outsourcing Risks and How to Avoid Them  

Outsourcing IT projects can be a great way for organizations to save money, access specialized expertise, and increase efficiency. However, it also carries certain risks that need to be carefully managed to ensure successful outcomes. To maximize the benefits of IT outsourcing, it's essential to understand these risks and take steps to mitigate them.


Communication Barriers

Clear communication is vital in any business relationship, and it's even more critical when working with an outsourcing vendor. Miscommunication or a lack of clear communication can lead to misunderstandings, project delays, and quality issues. This risk is further amplified by language and cultural differences between the client and the outsourcing vendor.

To mitigate this risk, it's important to establish clear and regular channels of communication. Scheduled video conferences and written documentation can help ensure that everyone is on the same page. Using collaboration tools and project management software can also help facilitate transparent and consistent communication.

Investing time in understanding the vendor's culture and practices can also go a long way in building a strong working relationship. Getting to know your outsourcing partner can help you avoid misunderstandings and improve the quality of the work.


Quality Control Issues

One of the biggest challenges in outsourcing IT projects is maintaining consistent quality in deliverables. This can happen when the client and the vendor have different development practices, standards, and expectations. When quality issues arise, it can cause costly rework and delays that can impact the project timeline.

To overcome this issue, outline quality standards and acceptance criteria right from the start of the project. Regular quality checks and reviews can then be conducted to ensure that the deliverables meet the agreed-upon standards. Additionally, it's important to collaborate closely with the vendor on quality assurance processes to maintain high-quality outcomes. 


Intellectual Property and Data Security Concerns

When companies outsource their IT projects, they may face the risk of their intellectual property being stolen, data breaches, and unauthorized access to sensitive information. To prevent these risks, it's essential to create legal agreements that protect your intellectual property and data. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are a useful tool to safeguard your assets. It's also important for the vendor to follow strict protocols to maintain data security and abide by relevant regulations. Conducting due diligence on the vendor's security measures and data handling practices is critical in mitigating these concerns.


Scope Creep and Project Management Challenges

When you're working on a project, it's important to be aware of the risk of "scope creep." This happens when the project requirements change frequently, which can lead to cost overruns and delays. Poor project management can make things even worse.

But don't worry, there are ways to mitigate this risk. To start, it's crucial to clearly define the project scope, objectives, and deliverables right from the beginning. You can also implement change control processes to manage any scope changes that come up, and assess how they might impact the project. And don't forget to work closely with your vendor to ensure that everything stays on track and within budget.  

Vendor Reliability and Performance Issues

Dependence on an external vendor for IT services can pose risks related to vendor reliability, performance, and business continuity. To mitigate these risks, thorough due diligence must be conducted when selecting an outsourcing vendor. This includes evaluating the vendor's track record, reputation, and client references to ensure that they are reliable and trustworthy. Additionally, including performance metrics and service-level agreements (SLAs) in the contract can help ensure accountability and reliability. Contingency plans should also be established for potential vendor issues, so that organizations can be prepared for any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.


Cultural and Time Zone Differences

When working with vendors from different countries or time zones, it's important to watch out for cultural and time zone differences that could cause problems with collaboration, scheduling, and goal alignment. To avoid these issues, you need to be aware of the vendor's work culture and practices. You should also make sure that everyone can attend meetings and updates, even with time zone differences, by aligning project schedules. Finally, you can use collaborative tools to keep the communication lines open and make sure everyone is on the same page.


Common IT Outsourcing RisksSolutions
Communication BarriersRegular check-ins, collaboration tools
Quality Control IssuesDefine standards, regular reviews
IP & Data Security ConcernsNDAs, vendor due diligence
Scope Creep & Project Management ChallengesClear scope, change control
Vendor Reliability & Performance IssuesVendor evaluation, SLAs
Cultural & Time Zone DifferencesCultural awareness, aligned schedules
Common IT Outsourcing Risks and Solutions



How MoldoWEB Can Help Mitigate IT Outsourcing Risks


At MoldoWEB, we're dedicated to making your IT outsourcing experience easy and successful. With over 10 years of experience in software development and IT outsourcing, we bring our know-how and a personalized touch to every project. We're based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and we work closely with you to create solutions that fit your needs perfectly. Here’s how we help you manage common IT outsourcing challenges:

Flexible Options: We offer different ways to work together, so you can choose what suits your project best, whether it's a fixed price or something more flexible.

Clear Updates: We keep you updated regularly, so you always know how your project is coming along.

Smooth Teamwork: We fit right in with your existing team, respecting how you work and creating a productive, collaborative environment.

Thorough Testing: We carefully test everything we develop to catch and fix any issues early, making sure everything works smoothly and is easy to use.

Proactive Risk Management: We spot potential risks early and deal with them upfront, helping to keep your project on track and free of surprises.




Outsourcing IT projects can be really helpful for businesses. It gives them access to specialized expertise, saves them money, and makes things more efficient. But, there are some risks of outsourcing IT services too. By being aware of these risks and managing them well, businesses can get the most out of IT outsourcing services and achieve great results.

To have a successful outsourcing experience, avoid risks like communication problems, quality control issues, concerns about intellectual property and data security, scope creep, and unreliable vendors. If you're proactive about dealing with these challenges, it will help you work well with your outsourcing partners, produce high-quality work, and protect your sensitive information.

If you want to use IT outsourcing intelligently, you should take a strategic approach and choose trustworthy partners. This way, you can enjoy the benefits of outsourcing without having to deal with too many challenges. 

Choose MoldoWEB for secure and reliable IT Outsourcing services!

About us

MoldoWEB is a software development company, located in Romania, specialized in providing outsourcing and team augmentation services for clients around the world.

Table of contents
  • Why do Businesses Outsource Software Development?
  • Common IT Outsourcing Risks and How to Avoid Them
  • How MoldoWEB Can Help Mitigate IT Outsourcing Risks
  • Conclusion

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