Offshore Outsourcing Services

Accelerate growth, enhance operational efficiency, and reduce costs with MoldoWEB's tailored Offshore Software Development Services in Romania. Let's build something exceptional together.
A team of three people having a discussion.

What is Offshore Software Outsourcing?

Offshore Software Development Outsourcing refers to the practice of contracting out software development business processes or services, to an external organization located overseas. In the context of software development, offshore outsourcing involves engaging a third-party vendor situated in a foreign location to handle various aspects of the software development lifecycle.

MoldoWEB's Offshore Software Development Services take this concept a step further by offering tailored solutions in software development.

Offshore vs. Nearshore Outsourcing: A Quick Comparison

AspectOffshore OutsourcingNearshore Outsourcing
ProximityDistant locations Closer to client 
Time ZoneTime zone differences Similar time zones 
CostCost-effective  Higher costs
CulturePotential differences  Closer cultural alignment
Talent Pool Vast and diverse Diverse but smaller
RiskMitigated through selectionLower perceived risk

Key Advantages of Offshore Outsourcing

Access to Specialized Expertise: Access diverse experts for tech-specific and domain-focused solutions. Gain insights from industry specialists to improve project quality.
Cost Efficiency: Hire an offshore development team at lower costs, optimizing your budget for software development. Save on operational expenses, directing resources strategically.
Risk Mitigation: Mitigate project risks through careful vendor selection with a proven track record of reliability, and robust communication.
Accelerated Time-to-Market: Utilize 24/7 development cycles through global team collaboration. Speed up project timelines for quicker time-to-market.
Scalability and Flexibility: Quickly adjust team size based on project needs for efficient resource utilization. Adapt rapidly to evolving requirements with the flexibility of offshore outsourcing.
Global Perspective and Diversity: Embrace a global perspective with a diverse offshore software development company for innovative solutions. Cultivate a multicultural environment for creativity and adaptability.

Why MoldoWEB

  • Over a Decade of Expertise: With over 10 years of experience, MoldoWEB has successfully collaborated and developed a deep understanding of the changing software development landscape.
  • Profound Understanding of Global Markets: At MoldoWEB, specializing in offshore software development in Romania, we've collaborated with clients worldwide, gaining a deep understanding of various markets. We approach your projects with a global mindset, making sure they connect with people in different parts of the world.
  • Fluent in English: At MoldoWEB, clear communication is key to successful collaboration. With our strong command of English, we foster seamless interaction, eliminating language barriers.
  • Located in Romania – A Hub of IT Excellence: MoldoWEB operates in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, a leading IT hub in Europe. Our location grants us access to a talented pool of professionals, making offshore outsourcing in Romania a top choice.
  • Agile and Adaptive Approach: Our agile team guarantees smooth and efficient project development. We quickly adapt to changes, respond promptly to your needs, and offer flexible solutions.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: MoldoWEB offers top-notch offshore software development services at an affordable cost, maximizing the value of your investment without compromising quality.
  • Collaborative Partnership: At MoldoWEB, your project is a team effort. We work together to turn your ideas into successful solutions. It's a partnership based on trust and shared success.
  • Easy Onboarding Process: Our process seamlessly integrates our team with yours, from initial discussions to project kick-off. We prioritize simplicity to make collaboration a smooth journey for you.

Our Areas of Expertise

Software Development
We craft software solutions that match your business goals.
Web Application Development
Our websites and applications look great and also deliver exceptional user experiences.
API & System Integration
We connect different computer systems and applications for smooth collaboration.
We carefully test software to guarantee flawless performance and address any issues.
Application Maintenance & Support
We keep your apps running smoothly and are here to assist as needed.
Cloud Services
We use robust cloud technology to create flexible, secure, and user-friendly software solutions.

Technologies We Use

  • Angular
  • NodeJS
  • .NET
  • Docker
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Digital Ocean

Our Collaboration Models

IT Staff Augmentation
We help your team by bringing in extra skilled professionals when there's a need for specific expertise or additional hands-on deck.
Dedicated Development Teams
Our dedicated teams work on your projects, as part of your development team. This way, we can bring our skills and commitment to help your project succeed.

Our Guarantees

30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee
If the allocated developers do not meet your standards within the first 30 days, we will remove or replace them at no cost to you.
Month-to-Month Contract
Enjoy flexibility with our month-to-month contracts. There are no long-term commitments, allowing you to scale your team up or down as needed.
Developer Replacement
If a developer isn't the right fit at any point during the project, we will provide a suitable replacement in a short period of time.


Offshoring to Eastern Europe, Romania is cost-effective with a skilled workforce in IT and engineering. Its favorable time zone and cultural affinity with Western Europe make it an attractive option for offshore collaboration. Additionally, being an EU member state provides a stable regulatory environment.

MoldoWEB brings over 10 years of experience, a global perspective and personalized services for your projects. We focus on clear communication, cost-effective solutions, and a collaborative development process.

We keep it simple. MoldoWEB provides excellent development services at a reasonable cost, maximizing the value of your investment.

We're quick to adapt to changes, respond promptly to your needs, and offer flexible solutions for smooth development cycles.

We understand the importance of a hassle-free start. Our onboarding process is straightforward and efficient. From team integration to project kick-off, we prioritize simplicity without unnecessary complications.

What our clients say about us

Alex Conway
CEO, Miricyl SCIO, United Kingdom
"MoldoWEB continues to provide excellent advice for the client's project. The team also gives impartial guidance for development. Their communication is great and they speak good English."
Daniel Oppenheim
Founding Member & CTO,, USA
"Stakeholders are impressed with the team's work. Everything is tested and documented properly, and clear goals are set. MoldoWEB is honest and trustworthy, and they have an in-depth knowledge of development. They're willing to explore new features, and they deliver high-quality output and results."
Mircea-Andrei Malutan-Laich
Delivery Manager, IT Services Company, Romania
"MoldoWEB was able to fulfill all the requirements successfully. The projects have garnered positive feedback from the end-users. The team utilized the Scrum methodology throughout the duration of the project. They conducted daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, and various more meetings."
Paige Conlan
Operations Manager, Van Ameyde McAuslands, United Kingdom
"MoldoWEB successfully delivered an app that met the client's requirements. An accommodating partner, they were quick to address the client's concerns and implement any requested changes to the app. They regularly led meetings and provided updates, ensuring an efficient and hassle-free workflow."
Clark McCauley
VP, Print Tracker, USA
"MoldoWEB completed all tasks within a reasonable timeline and with great code quality. The team was easy to work with, as they incorporated into the project quickly and were very responsive to the client's needs. Moreover, they worked quickly and met the client's expectations."

Ready to start your project? Hire Your offshore development team with MoldoWEB!

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