About us

MoldoWEB is a software development company, located in Romania, specialized in providing outsourcing and team augmentation services for clients around the world.

Table of contents
  • What is an Offshore Development Center (ODC)?
  • Benefits of Offshore Development Centers
  • Setting Up and Managing an Offshore Development Center
  • Common Challenges of Offshore Development Centers and How to Tackle Them
  • Conclusion

In 2024, businesses have more flexible options than ever for scaling their teams up or down. Beyond the traditional methods of hiring and training new employees, there are quicker and more convenient strategies available. One effective approach is setting up an Offshore Development Center (ODC), which can help you adjust your team size as needed.

But what makes ODCs so appealing? Simply put, they offer a way to tap into a global talent pool, reduce costs, and scale operations without the limitations of local talent shortages or high overheads. Think of it as having a dedicated team working remotely, yet easily integrated into your operations.

In this article, we’ll explain what Offshore Development Centers are and why they might be a great fit for your business. We’ll explore the key benefits they offer, and address some of the common challenges you might encounter. We’ll give practical advice to help you navigate these challenges and make the most of your Offshore Development Center.


What is an Offshore Development Center (ODC)?


An Offshore Development Center (ODC) is like having a dedicated team working for you from another part of the world. Imagine it as an extension of your team, but they’re based in a different country.

Sometimes going through the process of hiring and training new staff locally can take too much time and effort. Instead, partnering with an ODC, gets you access to professionals with the expertise you need, often at a lower cost. Also, you can scale your team up and down, depending on your current project needs and requirements. 

With an ODC, you can handle everything from software development to customer support, all managed remotely. In offshore IT outsourcing, an ODC is a flexible solution that helps you keep your costs in check while bringing in talent from around the globe. 


Benefits of Offshore Development Centers


One of the biggest perks of having an Offshore Development Center (ODC) is the cost reduction. Let's face it, hiring locally can be expensive with high salaries, office space costs, and other overhead expenses. With an ODC, you can get top talent from countries where the cost of living is lower. This means you can allocate more budget to other important areas of your business, like research or marketing.

Another great benefit is the access to diverse and skilled professionals. Offshore Development Centers are often located in areas with a strong focus on tech education, producing many skilled professionals in software development and IT. When partnering with an ODC, you get to work with experts who bring fresh ideas and skills to your projects. This diversity can bring benefits to your company as the team can offer fresh solutions and improved problem-solving, making your projects stand out.

Flexibility and scalability are also huge advantages. We all know that business needs can change quickly, and managing a fixed in-house team can be tough when demands change. With an ODC, you can scale your team up or down depending on what you need at the moment. You can quickly find talent for big projects or downsize during slower periods without the struggles of hiring or layoffs. This kind of flexibility keeps your business agile and ready to adapt to any situation.

Speeding up time-to-market is another big plus. Dedicated teams often work in different time zones, which can sound like a problem at first, but really, it can bring many advantages. With teams working in overlapping time zones, your projects can progress around the clock. This continuous workflow helps reduce delays and get tasks done faster, so you can launch products or new features quicker than your competitors.

Offshore Development Centers allow you to concentrate on your core strengths. By outsourcing IT services to an ODC, your in-house team can focus on strategy, customer engagement, and innovation, helping your business grow and reach its goals.


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Key Advantages of Offshore Development Centers


Setting Up and Managing an Offshore Development Center


Setting up an Offshore Development Center (ODC) can seem like a big task, but if you break it down into manageable steps, it will be much easier. Here’s how you can do it:

Choose the Right Location

First things first, where do you want your ODC to be? Picking the right country is kind of important. Just like in offshore IT outsourcing, look for a place with a strong tech community and good infrastructure. Countries like India, Romania, and the Philippines are popular because they have lots of skilled professionals and lower costs. Do some research, maybe even visit a few places, and see where you feel the most confident setting up.

Find a Reliable Local Partner

You’ll need some local help to get things off the ground. This could be a company that specializes in setting up ODCs or a recruitment agency that knows the local market well. They can help you with legal requirements, hire staff, and find office space. Having someone who knows the local landscape will save you a lot of headaches and help you get set up smoothly.

Focus on Hiring the Right People

Now, let’s build your team. This is super important. You want skilled professionals but you also want them to fit well with your company culture. Take your time with interviews and really get to know the candidates. Check their references thoroughly. You’re not just hiring talent; you’re bringing on board people who will become part of your brand. Make sure they’re not only good at what they do but also share your company’s values and work ethic.

Prioritize Communication

Communication is the glue that holds everything together. Set up regular video calls to stay connected with your offshore team. Use tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to keep everyone involved. Build a strong communication routine, so no one feels left out and everyone knows what’s going on. Remember, they might be thousands of miles away, but they’re still a key part of your team.

Integrate Your ODC with Your Main Office

Make your offshore team feel like they’re part of the main office. Include them in your company meetings, share updates with them, and celebrate your wins together. It’s all about building a team spirit that crosses borders. When your offshore team feels like they belong, they’re more motivated and engaged in their work.

Visit Your ODC in Person

If possible, take a trip to visit your offshore team. Meeting face-to-face can make a big difference. It helps build trust and stronger relationships. Plus, you get a firsthand look at their work environment and can better understand any challenges they might be facing. It brings you closer and strengthens your bond.

Establishing and managing an Offshore Development Center (ODC) requires effort, but it’s definitely worthwhile. Prioritize choosing the right location, hiring the right people, and maintaining good communication, and you will create a successful ODC that benefits your business in many ways. 

Illustration showing the 5 key steps to set up an Offshore Development Center: Choose the Right Location, Find a Reliable Local Partner, Focus on Hiring the Right People, Prioritize Communication, and Integrate Your ODC with Your Main Office.
5 Key Steps to Set Up an Offshore Development Center


Common Challenges of Offshore Development Centers and How to Tackle Them


Setting up an Offshore Development Center (ODC) can seem like a big task, but if you break it down into manageable steps, it will be much easier. Let’s talk about some of the challenges you might face and how to tackle them.

Communication and Time Zones

One of the trickiest parts is communication. Different time zones and cultural differences can sometimes make it hard to stay on the same page. Ever had an email get completely misunderstood? It happens! To keep things running easily, set up communication channels from the beginning and have regular check-ins. Encourage everyone to be open and honest, and give it some time for the team to come together and work well.

Being in different time zones can sometimes be good, other times, not so much. Sure, you can get work done around the clock, but coordinating meetings can be a bit challenging. Try to find overlapping hours where both teams can connect easily. Shared calendars can be a lifesaver here. With a bit of planning and flexibility, you can make this work without too much hassle.

Building Trust and Team Spirit

Trust takes time, especially when your team is located across the globe. It’s tough to build a strong team spirit when you’re not in the same room. Regular video calls, virtual team-building activities, and occasional face-to-face meetings can help a lot. Show your appreciation for their work and make sure they feel like a key part of the team.

Maintaining Quality and Standards

Keeping the quality of work high when you’re not there in person can be another challenging part. Set clear expectations from the start and provide detailed guidelines. Regular feedback is super important. Having a local manager or a trusted partner on the ground can help keep things on track and address any issues quickly. This way, you can ensure that the work being done meets your standards and that any problems are swiftly dealt with.

Legal and Compliance Issues

Every country has its own labor laws, tax rules, and business practices. Do your homework and work with local experts who can guide you through the legal side of the process. This way, you can avoid any unpleasant surprises and keep your ODC running smoothly. It’s always better to be prepared and understand the legalities beforehand rather than facing issues down the line.

Cultural Differences and Integration

Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings if you’re not careful. What’s normal in one culture might be totally different in another. Take the time to learn about and respect these differences. Encourage your teams to learn about each other’s cultures too. This creates mutual respect and makes working together a lot easier.

When you're looking to grow your development team, it's important to understand the Offshore Development Center's meaning and to know the differences between outsourcing IT services and offshoring so you can choose the best approach for your business.


A man seated at a desk, working on a laptop while holding a phone in his hand, focused on his tasks.




Setting up an Offshore Development Center (ODC) can bring great benefits like access to skilled talent and cost savings, but it does come with some challenges.

Start by choosing the right location and finding a trustworthy local partner. Hiring the right team is essential too. Keep communication clear and regular, and make sure your offshore team feels part of your company. Visiting them occasionally can help build strong relationships.

Don’t forget about legal and quality issues. Working with local experts can help you handle these easily and keep everything on track.

With the right approach, you can turn potential problems into opportunities for success. A well-managed Offshore Development Center can be a valuable part of your business, helping you grow and succeed no matter where your team is based.

Discover how we can make your ODC a success and drive your business forward!

About us

MoldoWEB is a software development company, located in Romania, specialized in providing outsourcing and team augmentation services for clients around the world.

Table of contents
  • What is an Offshore Development Center (ODC)?
  • Benefits of Offshore Development Centers
  • Setting Up and Managing an Offshore Development Center
  • Common Challenges of Offshore Development Centers and How to Tackle Them
  • Conclusion

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