About us

MoldoWEB is a software development company, located in Romania, specialized in providing outsourcing and team augmentation services for clients around the world.

Table of contents
  • 1. Growing Demand for Specialized Skills
  • 2. Increased Focus on Cybersecurity
  • 3. Adoption of Agile and DevOps Practices
  • 4. Emphasis on Quality Assurance and Testing
  • 5. Rise of Nearshore Outsourcing
  • 6. Increasing Use of AI and Automation
  • 7. Focus on Cost Efficiency and ROI
  • Conclusion

Software outsourcing has become a staple for businesses looking to stay competitive and efficient. In 2024, this field is changing quickly. Companies are not just looking for cost savings; they want expertise, innovation, and agility. This year brings some new outsourcing trends shaping how businesses approach their strategy. 

In this article, we’re going to break down the biggest trends in software outsourcing for 2024. 


1. Growing Demand for Specialized Skills


In 2024, the growing demand for specialized skills is the biggest trend in software outsourcing. According to Statista, the IT Outsourcing market is expected to generate $541.10 billion in revenue in 2024. Companies are looking for experts in areas like artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, and blockchain. These skills are no longer just nice to have; they are essential for staying competitive.

For instance, businesses working on AI-driven projects need developers who understand complex algorithms and data analysis. Similarly, companies focused on cybersecurity require professionals who can build systems to protect sensitive information. This demand is driving many businesses to look beyond their in-house teams and partner with nearshore or offshore IT outsourcing firms that have the right expertise.

Finding the right talent can really make a big difference. When you have people with specialized skills, projects get done faster and with better results. Outsourcing also opens up a global pool of experts, so you can find talent that might not be available locally.


2. Increased Focus on Cybersecurity


As technology advances, cybersecurity is becoming a bigger concern in software outsourcing. In 2024, businesses are making security a top priority for their software projects. Outsourcing firms are improving their cybersecurity practices by using advanced encryption, doing regular security checks, and applying thorough data protection protocols.

Companies are now looking for outsourcing partners who can create high-quality software while also keeping it safe from potential threats. Some offshore IT outsourcing providers are now offering specialized cybersecurity services as part of their packages. These services include vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and 24/7 monitoring to help clients stay ahead of hackers and protect sensitive data.

This shift means that businesses are being more careful when choosing outsourcing partners. They are looking for firms with a strong track record in cybersecurity and certifications that show they are serious about protecting data. 

Overall, the increased focus on cybersecurity in software outsourcing is a response to the ever-changing digital threats. By prioritizing security, businesses can protect their projects and maintain the trust of their customers.


3. Adoption of Agile and DevOps Practices


Agile and DevOps practices are becoming key to successful software outsourcing. These methods help companies work faster, more efficiently, and with better collaboration.

Agile breaks projects into smaller parts, allowing for quick adjustments and regular feedback. This means outsourcing teams can adapt to changes more easily and deliver improvements step-by-step.

DevOps blends development and operations teams, promoting teamwork and shared responsibility. It improves workflows, automates tasks, and speeds up the time from development to deployment, resulting in faster software releases.

Benefits of Agile and DevOps:

Better Collaboration: Teams from different locations can work together more smoothly.  
Faster Delivery: Automated processes and continuous updates lead to quicker release cycles.  
Higher Quality: Regular testing and feedback help catch and fix issues early.

Imagine a fintech company teaming up with an outsourcing partner using Agile methods to quickly tweak their software based on user feedback, making the product much easier to use. Meanwhile, picture an e-commerce platform that uses DevOps to speed up rolling out new features, leading to a better experience for its customers.


FocusIterative development and adjustmentsIntegration of development and operations
ProcessBreaking projects into smaller parts with regular feedbackAutomating deployment and continuous monitoring
CollaborationEmphasizes teamwork within development teamsEnhances collaboration between development and operations teams
ToolsUses project management tools like Jira and TrelloUtilizes CI/CD tools like Jenkins and GitLab
Cycle TimeOperates on short cycles, typically 1-4 weeksContinuous releases, potentially multiple times a day
Key Differences and Similarities Between Agile and DevOps Practices


4. Emphasis on Quality Assurance and Testing

In 2024, creating reliable and bug-free software is more important than ever. Companies are putting a lot of effort into quality assurance (QA) and testing to make their software work well. 

Outsourcing companies use advanced QA tools and automated testing to find and fix issues early. Automated testing speeds up the process and makes it more accurate, resulting in continuously tested software. This means any problems can be quickly identified and resolved. However, manual testing is still important for tasks that need a human touch. Outsourcing partners are balancing both automated and manual testing to make sure nothing is missed.  
Focusing on QA and testing brings several benefits. It keeps the software reliable and efficient, which means better performance and happier users with fewer issues.

For example, imagine a healthcare software company working with an offshore IT firm that uses great QA tools. This helps them cut down on bugs and make sure their software is dependable, which is really important in healthcare. Or think about a financial services company using automated testing with their outsourcing partner to get new features out faster and stay within the rules.


5. Rise of Nearshore Outsourcing


Instead of outsourcing to faraway countries, many businesses are choosing partners closer to home. This approach has several benefits that make it a go-to option for many companies.

One of the main advantages of nearshore outsourcing is the similar time zones. Working with teams in nearby countries means overlapping work hours, which makes communication easier. Having real-time conversations and solving problems quickly is much simpler when there’s no significant time difference.

Cultural similarities also play a big role. When nearshore outsourcing partners share similar cultural values and business practices, it’s easier to understand each other and work together. This reduces misunderstandings and helps build stronger working relationships.

Meeting your outsourcing team in person is easier and more affordable with partners nearby. Shorter travel distances mean you can have face-to-face meetings more easily. This helps build trust and makes sure the project succeeds.

For instance, a Germany-based tech company might decide to subcontract to Romania rather than Asia. This not only makes communication simpler but also matches the company’s working hours and cultural expectations better. The outcome is a smoother partnership and often quicker completion of projects.


World map.


 6. Increasing Use of AI and Automation


AI is being used to handle repetitive tasks and analyze data more effectively. For example, AI can automate routine coding tasks, perform complex data analysis, and even help with customer support through chatbots. This frees up human developers to focus on more creative and complex aspects of projects.

Automation, on the other hand, is improving the speed and accuracy of various software development stages. Automated testing tools can quickly run through numerous scenarios, catching bugs that might be missed in manual testing. Similarly, continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines automate the process of integrating and deploying new code, which speeds up development and reduces errors.

The combination of AI and automation helps companies deliver software faster and with fewer mistakes. It also allows teams to focus on more strategic tasks, leading to more innovative solutions.

For example, a software company might use AI to analyze user feedback and identify areas for improvement in their app. Automation could then be used to apply updates and fixes without manual intervention, resulting in a more efficient development process.


7. Focus on Cost Efficiency and ROI

Businesses are putting a big emphasis on getting the most value out of their software outsourcing investments. It's not just about cutting costs anymore; it's about making sure that every dollar spent brings a good return.

Outsourcing partners are offering more flexible pricing models to help companies manage their budgets better. This might include options like pay-as-you-go or performance-based pricing, where costs are linked to the success of the project. This way, businesses only pay for what they use or for results achieved.

Additionally, companies are focusing on getting a high return on investment (ROI). They want to make sure that the benefits they get from outsourcing, like access to specialized skills or faster development times, outweigh the costs. By thoughtfully selecting their outsourcing partners and establishing specific objectives from the beginning, they can guarantee a profitable return on their investment.

For example, a company might pick an outsourcing partner with a performance-based contract to get the best value for their money. This way, both sides are on the same page, and the project stays on track and within budget.



As we move through 2024, the world of software outsourcing is evolving quickly. From the rise of nearshore outsourcing to the increasing use of AI and automation, companies are adapting to new trends to stay ahead. Emphasizing quality assurance, cost efficiency, and specialized skills are all part of the mix.

By understanding these trends, businesses can make smarter decisions about their outsourcing strategy. Whether improving communication with nearshore partners or leveraging advanced technologies for better results, staying informed about these changes can help companies succeed. 

Ready for better software solutions? Reach out to MoldoWEB!

About us

MoldoWEB is a software development company, located in Romania, specialized in providing outsourcing and team augmentation services for clients around the world.

Table of contents
  • 1. Growing Demand for Specialized Skills
  • 2. Increased Focus on Cybersecurity
  • 3. Adoption of Agile and DevOps Practices
  • 4. Emphasis on Quality Assurance and Testing
  • 5. Rise of Nearshore Outsourcing
  • 6. Increasing Use of AI and Automation
  • 7. Focus on Cost Efficiency and ROI
  • Conclusion

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