About us

MoldoWEB is a software development company, located in Romania, specialized in providing outsourcing and team augmentation services for clients around the world.

Table of contents
  • What is Staff Augmentation? The Concept and Its Key Characteristics
  • When to Use Staff Augmentation
  • Advantages of Staff Augmentation
  • Potential Disadvantages
  • What is a Dedicated Team? Exploring the Concept and Its Essential Characteristics
  • When to Use a Dedicated Team
  • Advantages of a Dedicated Team
  • Potential Disadvantages
  • Staff Augmentation vs. Dedicated Teams: Comparing Costs, Scalability, Skills, and Commitment
  • Wrapping Up

In software outsourcing, companies can choose from a wide pool of talented specialists to work on their projects. This approach offers flexibility to extend their team or hire an entire team for either a short or long period of time, based on their needs. With such flexibility and options available, it can be a little challenging to make sure you choose the most fitting team or people, not to mention the right engagement model for your project needs. The two important engagement models when it comes to software outsourcing are staff augmentation and dedicated teams. 

Basically, with staff augmentation, your existing team gets extended by one or more people, and with dedicated teams, you hire an entire external team to work for you. 

But it’s not always that simple to choose the right fit for your needs. In this article, we will break down the advantages and disadvantages of each model, talk about their key characteristics, and compare them side by side to help you decide which model fits your project requirements best. 


What is Staff Augmentation? The Concept and Its Key Characteristics


Staff augmentation, or resource augmentation is an excellent solution when you need to extend your team with extra people with the specialized skills you need, short-term. Instead of hiring full-time employees, you augment your existing team with professionals with the skills you need for your project. This is especially useful for short-term projects, managing peak workloads, or addressing immediate skill gaps. According to Statista, in 2022, the global staffing industry reached nearly $650 billion in revenue, showing strong recovery and growth after the pandemic. This demonstrates how relying on this outsourcing model has become quite popular for businesses. 

Let’s take a look at the key characteristics of staff augmentation:

Temporary Addition to Existing Teams: Staff augmentation is all about adding extra hands to your current team for a defined period. This could be a few weeks, months, or for the duration of a specific project.

Flexibility and Scalability: One of the main advantages of staff augmentation is its flexibility. You can scale your team up or down based on your project needs without the long-term commitment of hiring full-time employees.

Expertise on Demand: IT team augmentation allows you to quickly bring in experts with the specific skills required for your project. Whether you need a software developer, a designer, or a marketing specialist, you can find the right talent to fill the gap.

Quick Onboarding: Since augmented staff are typically experienced professionals, they can hit the ground running. This means less time spent on training and more time focused on getting the job done.

Cost-Effective: By avoiding the costs associated with hiring full-time employees, such as benefits and long-term salaries, staff augmentation can be a more budget-friendly option.


When to Use Staff Augmentation


When you have a project with a set end date, staff augmentation can be a lifesaver. It provides the extra help you need without any long-term commitments. For example, imagine your software development company is tasked with developing a mobile app for a client, and the project needs to be completed within three months. Your current team is already juggling multiple projects, and hiring full-time employees for such a short period isn't feasible. By bringing in temporary mobile app developers through staff augmentation, you can meet the client's deadline without overextending your team.

If your project requires specialized skills that your current team doesn't have, team augmentation allows you to bring in experts who can handle those specific tasks. Suppose your software development firm lands a project that requires expertise in a niche programming language like Rust or Elixir, which your team isn't familiar with. Instead of spending months training your current employees, you can use staff augmentation to hire developers proficient in that language. This way, you get the job done efficiently and upskill your team through knowledge sharing.

During busy periods, staff augmentation lets you manage increased workloads without overwhelming your existing team. Picture your development company during a product launch. There is an urgent need to handle bug fixes, updates, and customer feedback all at once. Your existing team can't manage the surge alone, but you may also not want to hire permanent staff for a temporary peak. By augmenting your staff with experienced developers and QA testers, you can maintain high productivity and quality without long-term commitments.


Advantages of Staff Augmentation


As we mentioned before, staff augmentation is a great solution for many reasons. One of the main ones is its cost-effective nature. Hiring full-time employees comes with higher financial commitments rather than hiring temporary professionals only when needed. For companies with smaller budgets, this is a perfect choice.

Another important advantage of IT team augmentation would be its quick onboarding process. Compared to hiring full-time employees who most likely need training, the augmented staff is typically already experienced in what you need them to work on, so they can almost immediately get started on your project.

Flexibility in team size is also a great benefit of the resource augmentation model. You can easily scale your team based on your changing requirements, so you always have just enough people in your team to work on your projects. Staff augmentation is best known for its flexibility in scaling your workforce.


Potential Disadvantages


While staff augmentation can be a great solution for many businesses, it is not without its challenges. Integration issues can arise when bringing in new team members. This means that the temporary staff might not be fully aligned with your company’s beliefs, and culture, or may not be familiar with your business processes, which can lead to misunderstandings.

Another concern is the short-term focus of the augmented staff. Since they are only there for a limited time, they might not have the same level of long-term commitment to the project as your full-time employees. This can impact the continuity and stability of the project, especially if key temporary team members leave before the project is completed.

And lastly, there is the risk of becoming dependent on external talent. While staff augmentation is great for many reasons, relying only on external professionals can make it challenging to maintain consistency in your workflow, especially if those individuals are not available for long-term future projects.


Pros and Cons of Staff Augmentation. Pros: flexibility, cost-effective, specialized skills. Cons: short-term focus, management complexity, dependency on external talent.
Staff Augmentation: Pros and Cons


What is a Dedicated Team? Exploring the Concept and Its Essential Characteristics


A dedicated team in software outsourcing is a group of professionals who work exclusively on a development project for an extended period. Unlike staff augmentation, where you hire people temporarily to augment your team, a dedicated team is there for the long term. This model is suitable for more complex projects that require continuous development or deep integration.

Here are the main characteristics of the dedicated teams model: 

Long-Term Engagement: Typically, dedicated teams are available for the entire duration of the project which can take several months or even years. This long-term commitment makes it possible for team members to gain a deep understanding of the project’s goals and the client’s business needs.

Exclusive Focus: The dedicated team works exclusively on your project. With the team members focusing only on one project, it can result in higher productivity and overall, better results.

Full Integration: Collaboration is made easy with dedicated teams. These teams are often considered to be an extension of your in-house team, using the same tools and processes.

Autonomy and Accountability: The offshore dedicated development team works under your guidance just as your internal staff, but they are usually more capable to make quick decisions, not needing as much management. This can improve and make project management easier.

Consistent Team Composition: Unlike staff augmentation, where you only get short-term staff, dedicated teams remain consistent for longer periods, which helps in building a strong team.


When to Use a Dedicated Team


For long-term projects, like creating complex business software, a dedicated team can work on the project from beginning to end, staying consistent and involved in every step. For instance, if your company is developing a sophisticated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that will take more than a year to finish, a dedicated team can stay committed to the project the whole time, understanding all the details and goals.

Ongoing development needs are another situation where a dedicated team is valuable. If your business requires constant updates and maintenance for a product, like an evolving SaaS platform, a dedicated team can handle the continuous work needed to keep the product current and functional. For example, if your company manages a popular SaaS platform that needs regular new features, security updates, and performance tweaks, a dedicated team can focus solely on this product, keeping it in top shape without being distracted by other projects.

For important projects like a complete digital transformation, or developing a new core technology, a dedicated team helps by making sure your goals are always aligned with all the efforts. For example, if your company is going through a digital transformation to update its IT infrastructure and integrate new technologies like AI and big data analytics, a dedicated team is working hard to make sure these changes help your business in the long run.


Advantages of a Dedicated Team

An offshore dedicated development team brings many valuable assets to your projects, but, one of the main ones is definitely their long-term engagement. It is challenging to find the right people for a project as it is, and hiring an entire team that is committed exclusively to your project can benefit you greatly. They are focused only on your project goals and vision, without the distraction of working with multiple clients at once. This will result in increased productivity and help you achieve your goals faster. 

Another key benefit would be the easy integration of the dedicated team with your in-house staff. Since your whole team is working together, they most likely will use the same tools and processes, making communication and collaboration easier. Also, having the same team throughout the project means that they keep important knowledge and skills, reducing the risk of problems caused by staff changes.


Potential Disadvantages


Choosing the dedicated team model comes with several challenges. Compared to other outsourcing models, the dedicated team model is potentially the most costly of all. Having a team exclusively focused on one project, especially for a long time, can come with high expenses. So, for companies with smaller budgets, it might not work best. 

Integrating your external team into your existing team and culture may not always be a smooth process. Building trust, and aligning on goals can take longer with an external team. This means if there are any misunderstandings or misalignments, the project continuity might suffer. 

Depending heavily only on your external team can also pose challenges. Once the project is complete, it may be difficult to replace your dedicated team or transfer their knowledge to your in-house team.


Pros and Cons of Dedicated Teams. Pros: long-term commitment, consistent team dynamics, aligned goals. Cons: higher initial costs, less flexibility, risk of overcommitment, integration challenges.
Dedicated Teams: Pros and Cons



Staff Augmentation vs. Dedicated Teams: Comparing Costs, Scalability, Skills, and Commitment


So far, we have covered the key characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of both outsourcing models, staff augmentation, and dedicated teams. To make an informed decision, you should compare the two based on important aspects like costs, scalability, skills, and commitment.

Costs: Staff augmentation is more flexible when it comes to costs, since you only pay for additional help when you need it. Hiring full-time teams and employees is a bigger financial commitment, which is not always worth the investment, especially for companies with limited budgets. So, choose team augmentation for short-term projects, since it’s more suitable. But for long-term projects where stability and deep engagement are prioritized, investing in a dedicated team can lead to better results.

Scalability: You get a lot of scalability and flexibility with staff augmentation. Based on your project’s needs, you can easily scale your team up or down with staff augmentation. It’s an ideal choice for projects where you’re unsure about long-term needs. On the other hand, with dedicated teams, you get consistent support and commitment. It is a less flexible solution, but you have an entire team fully focused on your project, which is key for long-term and complex processes.

Skills: If you need skilled talent with the skills your current team lacks, staff augmentation is your go-to choice. It can be a programming language, or any other specialized knowledge, you can find the right talent with staff augmentation. You can onboard additional staff quickly to fill the gaps. However, integrating the temporary team members with your existing staff can come with challenges. On the contrary, with dedicated teams, you get access to a more cohesive skill set. A team focused only on your project, will take their time to really understand your goals and vision which will result in better collaboration. 

Commitment: Usually, with staff augmentation, professionals are only there for a limited period to work on a specific part of the project. Even though they possess the necessary skills and expertise, they might not be as invested in the long-term success of your project. A dedicated development team is more focused on long-term success, and develops a deep understanding of your project and company culture.


AspectStaff AugmentationDedicated Teams
CostsMore flexible, cost-effective for short-term needsHigher initial investment, better for long-term
Scalability Easily scalable up or down as neededStable and consistent support
SkillsQuick access to specific skills, integration challengesCohesive skill set, deeper project understanding
CommitmentTemporary involvement, less long-term investmentFully committed, aligned with business goals
Staff Augmentation vs. Dedicated Teams



Wrapping Up


To choose the right outsourcing model for your project between staff augmentation and dedicated teams, think about what your goals and needs. If you need flexibility, quick access to specific skills, and a cost-effective solution for short-term projects, team augmentation might be the way to go. On the other hand, if you have a long-term project that requires a stable and committed team deeply involved in your goals and culture, a dedicated team could be the better choice.

Both of these models have their strengths and both of them can help you achieve success. Don’t forget to assess, costs, commitment, skills, and scalability when comparing the two to align with your goals and resources. 

Reach out today to decide on staff augmentation or a dedicated team.

About us

MoldoWEB is a software development company, located in Romania, specialized in providing outsourcing and team augmentation services for clients around the world.

Table of contents
  • What is Staff Augmentation? The Concept and Its Key Characteristics
  • When to Use Staff Augmentation
  • Advantages of Staff Augmentation
  • Potential Disadvantages
  • What is a Dedicated Team? Exploring the Concept and Its Essential Characteristics
  • When to Use a Dedicated Team
  • Advantages of a Dedicated Team
  • Potential Disadvantages
  • Staff Augmentation vs. Dedicated Teams: Comparing Costs, Scalability, Skills, and Commitment
  • Wrapping Up

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