About us

MoldoWEB is a software development company, located in Romania, specialized in providing outsourcing and team augmentation services for clients around the world.

Software outsourcing has become a favorable solution for businesses seeking cost-effective and efficient software development. One of the critical decisions in the outsourcing process is selecting the right pricing model. Each model offers its own set of advantages and disadvantages, catering to different project requirements and client preferences.  
In this article, we explore the three fundamental IT outsourcing pricing models and the key factors to consider before choosing one. 

By understanding these factors and partnering with the right outsourcing team, you can confidently embark on a successful collaboration that optimizes resources and accelerates your project's achievements.


Types of IT Outsourcing Pricing Models 


1. Time and Material


The Time and Material pricing model serves as a beacon of flexibility in the outsourcing realm. Clients engaging in this model pay for the actual hours invested by the development team and the materials utilized throughout the project's lifecycle. Ideally suited for projects with fluid or evolving specifications, this model offers the freedom to adapt to changing requirements as technology advances and business priorities shift.

The Time and Material pricing model accommodates changes and refinements throughout the development process. In this model, clients pay for the actual time and resources invested in their project, fostering transparency and fostering a collaborative partnership between clients and outsourcing teams.


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1. Flexibility: The ability to accommodate evolving project requirements ensures that businesses can remain agile in a constantly changing market.

2. Transparency: Clients enjoy real-time tracking of progress and costs, fostering greater control over project management and resource allocation.

3. Quick Start: Projects can start quickly without the need for extensive upfront planning and documentation. This is especially advantageous for projects with evolving requirements.

4. Cost-Efficiency for Small Projects: It can be cost-efficient for smaller projects or when the client's requirements are not well-defined initially. The client only pays for actual work done, which can be more affordable in certain scenarios.

5. Agile development: It is well-suited for Agile development methodologies where the project is developed incrementally, and frequent feedback is incorporated. Clients can continuously review and suggest changes during the development process.




1. Cost Uncertainties: Given the dynamic nature of this model, cost estimation can be challenging in the absence of a well-defined project scope at the outset.

2. Management Effort: Active project management is crucial to control expenses effectively and ensure that project progress aligns with budget expectations.

3. Potential Scope Creep: Without a fixed scope and price, there is a risk of scope creep. Clients may keep adding new features or changes during the development process, which can extend the project timeline and increase costs.

4. Lack of Predictability: Due to the variable nature of the T&M model, clients might not have a clear idea of when the project will be completed or how much it will ultimately cost until it's close to completion.

5. Limited Use for Short-term Projects: The T&M model might not be suitable for short-term or small-scale projects, as the initial setup and engagement process can outweigh the benefits of its flexibility.



2. Dedicated Team Fee


The Dedicated Team Fee model cultivates an enduring partnership between clients and outsourcing companies, focusing on establishing a dedicated team of skilled professionals exclusively assigned to the client's project. Rather than paying for specific deliverables or milestones, clients engage in an ongoing collaboration that leverages the expertise and efficiency of a dedicated team.

The Dedicated Team Fee approach entails assembling a specialized team tailored precisely to the client's project requirements. This team operates as an extension of the client's in-house workforce, seamlessly integrating with their existing processes and methodologies.


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1. Full Engagement: By becoming an integral part of the client's team, the dedicated outsourcing team gains an in-depth understanding of the project's objectives and long-term vision.

2. Flexibility and Scalability: Clients have the freedom to adjust the team size and skill set as project demands evolve, ensuring optimal resource allocation.

3. Control and Collaboration: Direct communication with team members facilitates seamless collaboration and better control over the development process.

4. Resource Control: With the Dedicated Team Fee model, the client has full control over the resources and team members assigned to the project. They can handpick the team members based on their skills and expertise, leading to better alignment with project requirements.

5. Cost Efficiency for Ongoing Projects: Dedicated Team Fee is cost-efficient for projects that require continuous development and support. It eliminates the need to renegotiate terms for each new project phase, making it easier to maintain momentum.




1. Continuous Commitment: As the Dedicated Team Fee model fosters long-term engagement, disengaging from the collaboration may require careful planning and transition.

2. Dependency on Expertise: The success of the project heavily relies on the skills and capabilities of the dedicated team, making the selection of an outsourcing partner a critical decision.

3. Limited Cost Control: While the Dedicated Team Fee model provides flexibility, it might not offer the same level of cost control as the Fixed Cost model, especially for shorter-term or smaller projects.

4. Possible Resource Availability Issues: There may be situations when a key team member is unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, which can disrupt project progress.

5. Management Overhead: The client needs to manage the team and coordinate tasks, which can add a management overhead and time investment from the client's side.


3. Fixed Cost


The Fixed Cost pricing model, as the name suggests, entails a predetermined project cost agreed upon by both the client and the outsourcing company. The price remains fixed regardless of the actual time and resources invested in the project.

In this pricing arrangement, the client and the outsourcing company collaborate closely to define the project's scope, requirements, and deliverables. Once a comprehensive understanding of the project's objectives is established, the outsourcing company prepares a detailed proposal outlining the project's estimated cost based on the agreed-upon specifications. Upon mutual acceptance of the proposal, a fixed price is set, which serves as the financial foundation for the entire project. 

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1. Budget Certainty: Clients have a clear understanding of project costs from the outset, facilitating better budget planning.

2. Risk Transfer: The outsourcing company bears the risk of any cost overruns or deviations from the original plan.

3. Clear Deliverables: Specific deliverables and milestones are defined, ensuring clarity on the project's progress.

4. Less Client Involvement: The client's involvement in the day-to-day project management is minimal. Once the requirements are specified, they can focus on other aspects of their business.

5. Simplicity in Project Management: Fixed Cost projects are usually easier to manage as both parties have a clear understanding of the project scope and timeline.




1. Rigidity: The Fixed Cost model might not accommodate changes or additions to project requirements without additional charges.

2. Initial Planning Crucial: Comprehensive project planning is essential to avoid potential scope gaps and misunderstandings.

3. Lack of Collaboration: The Fixed Cost model might not foster the same level of collaboration and synergy between the client and the outsourcing company as other pricing models.

4. Potentially Longer Negotiation: Negotiating a Fixed Cost contract might take longer as both parties need to agree on detailed project requirements and deliverables.

5. Scope Creep Challenges: Changes to the project scope can be challenging to manage within the Fixed Cost model. Any modifications might incur additional charges or lead to project delays.


Factors to Consider Before Choosing an Outsourcing Pricing Model 


Considering outsourcing options for your software development project opens up a world of possibilities, from cost-effectiveness to specialized expertise. However, with various pricing models to choose from, finding the right fit may seem daunting. 

In this section, we explore the 10 essential factors to keep in mind when selecting an outsourcing pricing model. By understanding these factors, you can make a straightforward and informed decision that sets the stage for a successful collaboration and ensures your project's success.

  • Project Complexity and Scope: The complexity and scope of your project will significantly influence which pricing model is most appropriate. It's essential to align the model with the project's characteristics.
  • Budget Constraints: Consider your budget limitations. Some pricing models may require larger upfront investments, while others offer more predictable ongoing costs.
  • Risk Tolerance: Assess your risk tolerance. Some pricing models, such as fixed-cost contracts, may shift more risk to the outsourcing provider, while others, like time and material, may share the risk more evenly.
  • Flexibility Requirements: Consider how flexible you need the project to be. Fixed-cost contracts provide less flexibility for changes, while time and material or dedicated team fee models are more adaptable to evolving requirements.
  • Project Duration: Determine the expected duration of the project. Short-term projects may benefit from fixed-cost or time and material models, while long-term projects might be more cost-effective with the dedicated team fee model.
  • Quality vs. Cost: Balance between quality and cost. Different pricing models may influence the level of quality and control you have over the project. Lower-cost models may require closer monitoring to ensure quality standards are met.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Assess your communication and collaboration preferences. Some models, like dedicated team fee, involve more direct interaction with the outsourcing team, while fixed-cost models may require less day-to-day involvement.
  • Vendor Expertise and Reputation: Evaluate the outsourcing vendor's expertise, reputation, and track record. Some vendors may specialize in specific pricing models or industries, and their expertise can impact the success of your project.
  • Scalability Requirements: Consider whether you may need to scale the project up or down in the future. Models like dedicated team fee can offer scalability benefits.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Clearly define SLAs and expectations with the outsourcing provider. SLAs are essential for ensuring project deliverables and timelines are met.




Selecting the most suitable pricing model is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of software outsourcing projects. Three prevalent pricing models, namely Time and Material, Dedicated Team Fee, and Fixed Cost, each come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

The Time and Material model offers flexibility and transparency, making it well-suited for projects with evolving requirements and a need for continuous adaptation. However, it can lead to budget uncertainty, and potential scope creep, and may lack incentives for efficiency.

On the other hand, the Dedicated Team Fee model provides resource control, and flexibility, and fosters long-term collaboration between the client and the outsourcing company. However, it may involve higher initial commitments, dependency on team performance, and underutilization of resources during lighter workloads.

The Fixed Cost model offers predictability, clear deliverables, and minimal client involvement in day-to-day project management. Nonetheless, it might lack flexibility, face challenges with scope changes, and raise concerns about maintaining optimal quality.

Ultimately, the choice of pricing model should align with the project's specific needs, scope, and budget constraints. Projects with well-defined requirements and limited scope changes may benefit from the Fixed Cost model, while those with evolving needs might find the Time and Material model more appropriate. For long-term collaborations and ongoing projects, the Dedicated Team Fee model can provide a more cohesive and customizable approach.

In this context, outsourcing cost models play a crucial role in decision-making. By analyzing different cost models, businesses can assess the potential benefits and drawbacks of outsourcing certain tasks or processes. 

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About us

MoldoWEB is a software development company, located in Romania, specialized in providing outsourcing and team augmentation services for clients around the world.

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